written by Kate Klise, illustrated by Sarah Klise

So the diehard Kate&Sarah Klise fan inside me has been sadly disappointed. These lovely ladies have written many a fantastic book, definitely my favorite ones out there, but this one just fell short. It seemed like a lot of it was aimed towards much younger kids than the other novels, and it just really seemed to lack a plot. It had all the elements of the other books, stylistically, but there were no secondary plots (and like I said, I had trouble locating a dominant plot, not just secondary), and no powerful plot twists, two things that made their other novels absolutely spectacular. Typically, their books involve lots of characters with brilliantly punny names, leading very separate lives and over the course of the book, the connections grow stronger and stronger, until you realize they are all involved in whatever the main dilemma may be. In this one, there's just one main dilemma, very minor secondary characters (by which I probably just mean his parents), and no clear hook. Everything was incredibly predictable. I'm not sure what the sequel will contain, and I'm also not sure if I really want to read it. I want more of the old Klise stuff, the spine-tingling, gut-busting mysteries that I immersed myself in, reread after reread. I just...I was disappointed. I expected much better from these two. Again, maybe it's been dumbed down so younger kids would understand what's going on, but it certainly doesn't make for an interesting story.
Rating: 3/5
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